Sunday, May 3, 2015

The new house

Sorry  I didn't rite in a long time I have so much to do because  I  moved in a new house and it is bigger  then our old house. My new house has 3 floors and I get my own  room.  I moved in on April 29 2015. Today we went to ikea and got a bed for me and my sister my parents are building  my bed first and then my sisters. When I moved I was scared that I need to go to a new school  but  I'm not going to a new  school until next year.

Monday, January 5, 2015

the medicine

I haved  the worst day yesterday I had the flu and it was not fun and I did't like it.  And I went to the doctors and I did't like it to.  And  now I have to take medicine.